Doctor Who Viewed Anew

One man journeying through 41 years of classic Doctor Who... with a few diversions along the way

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Apocalypse Element

The first temporal conference has attracted delegates from every major temporal engineering race, with delegates from Gallifrey attending as well. The Doctor's arrival with Evelyn spurs suspicion amongst the other races present, but suspicion is relaced with outright fear when the Daleks arrive with an agenda of their own. Having held Romana prisoner for years, the Daleks aim not only to destroy the conference but plunder the time technologies of the attending races before they set the galaxy on fire with the Apocalypse Element...

Oh yes. Finally, Colin Baker gets a Dalek story to be excited about - and with Lalla Ward returning as Romana, the President of the High Council of Time Lords. This is the first time Lalla ward returns to the role and it's like she's never been gone; it's still very much in her to be Romana. And she's almost a perfect match for the sixth Doctor, both of them clever and blunt, neither one suffering fools gladly. It's good to have her back, and she'll be back again. She even does well with Evelyn, who gets her offical seal as a new companion, the rite of passage being an encounter with the Daleks (at least, in my mind it should be). Actually, who never met the Daleks ... Dodo, Liz Shaw, Leela, K9 (although rumour has it that changes in 2008), Adric, Erimem, and maybe one or two still to come. Before anyone says Nyssa, she met them through Big Finish's adventures.

Also among the cast is Vansell, a crafty Time Lord who will feature prominently in the heirarchy of Gallifrey in further adventures. The action moves fast, there are hoardes of Daleks and firefights galore (turn down the volume on your headphones if you're listening to it on an iPod or a WalkMan!), and then comes the unthinkable: the Daleks invade Gallifrey.

Gallifrey's invulnerability has only really been compromised once before, in The Invasion of Time, when the Doctor appeared to sell the Time Lords out to the Vardans, and in the new series Gallifrey is long gone as a result of the Time war against the Daleks. Gallifrey does not so much fall as it is penetrated by a small force of Daleks, but it's enough to cause mayhem and a lot of death. And more shooting. And more things going BOOM. The real purpose to their invasion, though, is not to conquer so much as it is to aid their other aims, and the resolution sets the stage for Big Finish's first proper spin-off project, Dalek Empire.

No-one really wins this one. The Daleks get what they want. Oh sure the day is saved, but there's the dark menace of the Daleks and their new empire right on Gallifrey's doorstep, and so many dead in the wake of the disaster. But Romana pledges to be vigilant, and the Doctor knows she is good as her word. And he'll meet her again, in a while.


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