Doctor Who Viewed Anew

One man journeying through 41 years of classic Doctor Who... with a few diversions along the way

Thursday, March 15, 2007

No Place Like Home

Now that Erimem is a full member of the TARDIS crew the Doctor decides to take her on a proper tour of the ship. Erimem is confused by the configuration of the corridors and believes they are changing as they walk through them, but the Doctor pooh-poohs that notion and says she is imagining it - until he too realizes there is something at work within the TARDIS and the ship is no longer in his control. It seems that a long time ago, something got inside the ship and has been lurking there in the shadows, slowly figuring out how to control the ship, until it is now ready to get rid of the Doctor and his companions and take the TARDIS for its own.

It's a mouse. I don't see any reason to make this more dramatic than it wishes it was. No Place Like Home was a freebie disc made by Big Finish but sent out with Doctor Who Magazine as a little perk for readers and a way to give Erimem some time with the Doctor and get her out from under Peri's shadow, such as it were (that's not a boob joke). And it sort of works. Right up until the disembodied voice starts cackling away to itself about how the Doctor has played into its hands at last, then it's just a joke.

Gallifreyan mouse. Who knew. Good thing Erimem has a miserable cat.


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